Hairloss after Covid-19
Hairdressers all over the world are reporting that many customers are experiencing sudden hair thinning and hairloss after suffering from covid-19.

Hairdressers all over the world are reporting that many customers are experiencing sudden hair thinning and hairloss after suffering from covid-19.
Why would this happen?
There are many reasons for hairloss, especially where the immune system comes under attack, eg chemotherapy, but the covid-19 virus is taking hairdressers by surprise. It seems to be a general all-over thinning, on a par with postpartum hairloss, suffered by women after childbirth.
If this happens to me should I worry?
Stress itself is also a big cause of hairloss so don’t panic as often hairloss is temporary. The first thing is to check that nothing else is going on by getting a medical check. Once you have been given the all clear by your doctor, usually after a blood test, you can then decide if you can live with it or if you need to look for hair replacement.
Is my hair likely to grow back?
The hair loss is likely to be temporary, taking a few months to recover, although it is very early to know how many will suffer with this side effect long-term. If the hairloss is not too devastating, then why not have fun with a wig in a different style or colour than you usually have.
What can I do if I need hair replacement?
Get in touch with me or your local hair replacement specialist to talk about a wig, hairpiece or toupee to match your hair and lifestyle.